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good [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈgʊd/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/gʊd/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(gŏŏd) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'good' (adj): betteradj comparative bestadj superlative

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主要翻译英语中文 good adj (better than average)SCSimplified Chinese 出色的 chū sè de   SCSimplified Chinese 质量高的 chū sè de ,zhì liàng gāo de   SCSimplified Chinese 美味的 chū sè de ,měi wèi de  He studied hard and got good grades this year.  今年他学习很努力,取得了良好的成绩。 good adj (favorable)SCSimplified Chinese 好的,良好的 hǎo de ,liáng hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 好的  The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.  天气预报说明天天气良好。 good adj (well behaved)SCSimplified Chinese 听话的 tīng huà de TCTraditional Chinese 聽話的   SCSimplified Chinese 乖巧的 tīng huà de ,guāi qiǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 守规矩的 tīng huà de ,shǒu guī ju de  Now you be good while I'm gone, do you hear?  我出去了,你要听话,听到了吗? good adj (adequate)SCSimplified Chinese 足够的 zú gòu de   SCSimplified Chinese 充裕的 zú gòu de ,chōng yù de   SCSimplified Chinese 富裕的 zú gòu de ,fù yù de  You can earn a good living as a mechanic.  当一名机械师,你可以过上富裕的生活。 good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (healthy)SCSimplified Chinese 对…的健康有益  Cod liver oil is supposed to be good for you.  鱼肝油对你的健康有益。 good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (beneficial)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有益 TCTraditional Chinese 對…有益   SCSimplified Chinese 对…有好处 duì … yǒu hǎo chù  Whoever said that pain is good for the soul?  是谁说痛苦对于灵魂有益的? the good of [sth/sb] expr (benefit, advantage)SCSimplified Chinese …的利益 de lì yì  Political decisions should always be for the good of the people.  政治决议总是应当符合人民群众的利益。 good adj (virtuous)SCSimplified Chinese 善良的 shàn liáng de   SCSimplified Chinese 好的 shàn liáng de ,hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 好的   SCSimplified Chinese 有品德的 shàn liáng de ,yǒu pǐn dé de  He's a good man.  他是个好人。 good for [sth], good for doing [sth] adj + prep (useful)SCSimplified Chinese 对…好用 TCTraditional Chinese 對…好用   SCSimplified Chinese 适合用来  Shoe boxes are good for storing old postcards and letters.  鞋盒适合用来装过去的明信片和信件。 good adj (competent)SCSimplified Chinese 优秀的 yōu xiù de TCTraditional Chinese 優秀的   SCSimplified Chinese 能力强的 yōu xiù de ,néng lì qiáng de  She's a very good accountant.  她是一位能力强的会计。 good adj (right, correct)SCSimplified Chinese 正确的 zhèng què de TCTraditional Chinese 正確的   SCSimplified Chinese 对的 zhèng què de ,duì de  Good answer!  答案正确! good adj (worthy)SCSimplified Chinese 值得尊敬的,受人尊敬的 zhí dé zūn jìng de ,shòu rén zūn jìng de  You've ruined our family's good reputation.  你毁了我们家族受人尊敬的声誉。 good adj (refined)SCSimplified Chinese 品味好的 pǐn wèi hǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 高品位的 pǐn wèi hǎo de,gāo pǐn wèi de  He's got good taste in wine.  他对于葡萄酒有极佳的品味。 goods npl (merchandise, commodities)SCSimplified Chinese 商品 shāng pǐn TCTraditional Chinese 商品   SCSimplified Chinese 货物 shāng pǐn,huò wù TCTraditional Chinese 貨物  The company promised to deliver the goods within 24 hours.  该公司承诺在24小时内发货。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 be good at [sth] v expr (be skilled, talented)SCSimplified Chinese 擅长 shàn cháng   SCSimplified Chinese 善于  He is good at anything related to numbers.  他擅长一切与数字有关的事。 be good with [sth] v expr (be skilled with)SCSimplified Chinese 擅长 shàn cháng  My sister is good with numbers but I'm better at languages.  我姐姐擅长数字方面的事,而我更擅长语言。 be good with [sb/sth] v expr (people, animal: handle well)SCSimplified Chinese 善于应付 TCTraditional Chinese 善於應付   SCSimplified Chinese 善于与…打交道  He is good with children and animals.  他善于与小孩和动物打交道。 be good for [sth] v expr (be valid: for a duration)SCSimplified Chinese 在…内有效  Your international driving licence is good for one year; you can renew it after that.  你的国际驾驶执照在一年内有效,你可以在其过期后续期。 be good for [sth] v expr (be equivalent in value to)SCSimplified Chinese 值 zhí TCTraditional Chinese 值   SCSimplified Chinese 可兑换  Your admission ticket is also good for one drink at the bar when you get inside.  进去后,你的入场券还能在吧台换到一杯饮料。 be good for [sth] v expr informal (be fit only for)SCSimplified Chinese 适合 shì hé TCTraditional Chinese 適合  That tatty old sofa is good for the dump.  那张破破烂烂的旧沙发很适合放在垃圾堆里。 be good to [sb] v expr (be kind toward [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 对...好   SCSimplified Chinese 对待...好  My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake.  我女儿对我很好,每周日都来看我,还带蛋糕来。 good adj (suitable)SCSimplified Chinese 合适的 hé shì de TCTraditional Chinese 合適的   SCSimplified Chinese 恰当的 hé shì de ,qià dàng de TCTraditional Chinese 恰當的  Is lasagne a good thing to serve to your parents?  用千层面招待您父母合适吗? good adj (functioning)SCSimplified Chinese 还能发挥功用的   SCSimplified Chinese 好的 hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 好的  You'll have to speak into my good ear if you want me to hear.  如果你想让我听见的话,就得对着我好的那只耳朵说话。 good adj informal (fresh)SCSimplified Chinese 新鲜的 xīn xiān de TCTraditional Chinese 新鮮的   SCSimplified Chinese 没变质的 xīn xiān de ,méi biàn zhì de  Is that milk still good?  牛奶仍然新鲜吗? good adj (tastes nice)SCSimplified Chinese 味道好的 wèi dào hǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 好吃的 wèi dào hǎo de ,hǎo chī de  This is a really good apple.  这个苹果味道真不错。 good adj (genuine) (钞票、证件等)SCSimplified Chinese 真的,真实的,名副其实的 zhēn de,zhēn shí de ,míng fù qí shí de TCTraditional Chinese 真的,真實的  I can't tell if this certificate is good or not.  我不知道该证书是真的还是假的? good adj (wise)SCSimplified Chinese 明智的 míng zhì de  Those stocks were a good investment.  那些股票是很好的投资。 good adj informal (thorough)SCSimplified Chinese 彻底的 chè dǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 徹底的   SCSimplified Chinese 完全的 chè dǐ de ,wán quán de  This house needs a good cleaning.  这栋房子需要好好打扫一下。 good adj (fertile)SCSimplified Chinese 好的 hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 好的   SCSimplified Chinese 肥沃的 hǎo de ,féi wò de  There's lots of good soil in this part of the country.  这个国家这一地区的土壤很肥沃。 good adj (devout)SCSimplified Chinese 虔诚的 qián chéng de TCTraditional Chinese 虔誠的  He's a good Catholic.  他是个虔诚的天主教徒。 good adj (loyal)SCSimplified Chinese 忠诚的 zhōng chéng de TCTraditional Chinese 忠誠的   SCSimplified Chinese 正直的 zhōng chéng de ,zhèng zhí de  He's a good union man.  他是个忠诚的工会成员。 good adj (skin: clear) (皮肤)SCSimplified Chinese 没有瑕疵的,好的 méi yǒu xiá cī de,hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 好的  She has good skin. good adj (clothes: most dressy) (衣服)SCSimplified Chinese 好的,时新的 hǎo de ,shí xīn de TCTraditional Chinese 好的  You should wear your good suit for this dinner.  你应该穿你那套好西服出席这次晚宴。 good adj (sport: in bounds) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 出色的, 精准的  His first serve was good.  他的一发很出色。 good adv US, informal (well)SCSimplified Chinese 正常地,顺利地 zhèng cháng de ,shùn lì de TCTraditional Chinese 順利地  This car runs good. good interj (approval)SCSimplified Chinese 好, 很好  "Good," said the teacher when the student handed in his homework on time.  当这名学生按时上交作业时,老师评价道:“很好。” good n (benefit, sake)SCSimplified Chinese 福利 fú lì TCTraditional Chinese 福利   SCSimplified Chinese 利益 fú lì,lì yì TCTraditional Chinese 利益   SCSimplified Chinese 好处 fú lì,hǎo chù TCTraditional Chinese 好處  I did it for the good of all of us.  我这样做是为了我们大家的利益。 good n (merit)SCSimplified Chinese 优点 yōu diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 優點   SCSimplified Chinese 有用之处 yōu diǎn,yǒu yòng zhī chù  There's a lot of good in his idea.  他的想法中有不少可取之处。 good n (virtue)SCSimplified Chinese 善处 shàn chǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 美德 shàn chǔ,měi dé  You should always seek out the good in people.  你应该始终去发掘他人身上的闪光点。 good n (purpose)SCSimplified Chinese 用处 yòng chù TCTraditional Chinese 用處   SCSimplified Chinese 好处 yòng chù,hǎo chù TCTraditional Chinese 好處  What good is it to ask all these questions without answering them?  提出所有这些问题却得不到答案,这有什么用呢? the goods npl figurative, slang (information, evidence)SCSimplified Chinese 消息 xiāo xī TCTraditional Chinese 消息   SCSimplified Chinese 情报 xiāo xī,qíng bào   SCSimplified Chinese 新闻 xiāo xī,xīn wén TCTraditional Chinese 新聞  The police are hoping that their informer will come up with the goods.  警方希望他们的线人能提供情报。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 a great deal, a good deal n (bargain)SCSimplified Chinese 划算   SCSimplified Chinese 性价比高  I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal.  我选择这辆车是因为可靠且性价比高。 a great deal, a good deal n (much, large amount)SCSimplified Chinese 大量 dà liàng TCTraditional Chinese 大量   SCSimplified Chinese 很多 dà liàng ,hěn duō  I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester.  这个学期结束前我还有很多事情要完成。 a great deal of [sth], a good deal of [sth] expr (large amount of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 大量 dà liàng TCTraditional Chinese 大量  Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.  她的总统竞选在地方一级取得巨大成功。 a great deal, a good deal adv (greatly, very much)SCSimplified Chinese 很 hěn TCTraditional Chinese 很   SCSimplified Chinese 非常 hěn,fēi cháng TCTraditional Chinese 非常  I value your input a great deal.  我非常重视您的意见。 a great deal, a good deal adv (considerably)SCSimplified Chinese …多了  I'm feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup.  喝了一些汤后,我感觉好多了。 a great deal of effort, a good deal of effort n (a lot of work)SCSimplified Chinese 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì TCTraditional Chinese 非常努力  I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it. all in good time expr (be patient)SCSimplified Chinese 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 耐心點   SCSimplified Chinese 别着急 nài xīn diǎn,bié zháo jí   SCSimplified Chinese 要有耐心 nài xīn diǎn,yào yǒu nài xīn  The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time. any good adj informal (sufficient quality)SCSimplified Chinese 有多好 备注: Used in questions, with negatives and where there is doubt. I don't think his later films are any good. any good adj informal (at all effective)SCSimplified Chinese 有效的 yǒu xiào de   SCSimplified Chinese 有用的 yǒu xiào de ,yǒu yòng de  Was the ointment I gave you any good? as good as expr (of equal quality to)SCSimplified Chinese 和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo  He is as good at maths as my brother. as good as expr (nearly; virtually)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎已经  I've worked all night on the picture and it's as good as finished. as good as it gets expr (the best circumstances)SCSimplified Chinese 最多能做到,最好的情况是  The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets. as good as new expr (successfully repaired or restored)SCSimplified Chinese 完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn  John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new! as good as they come expr (the best available)SCSimplified Chinese 最好的 zuì hǎo de at a good price expr (at reasonable cost)SCSimplified Chinese 好价钱 hǎo jià qián TCTraditional Chinese 好價(錢)   SCSimplified Chinese 以不错的价格 hǎo jià qián,yǐ bú cuò de jià gé  I was able to buy my PC at a good price. be good interj (do not misbehave)SCSimplified Chinese 听话 tīng huà TCTraditional Chinese 聽話   SCSimplified Chinese 乖 TCTraditional Chinese 乖 be in a good place, be in a happy place v expr figurative, informal (be happy, contented)SCSimplified Chinese 开心 kāi xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 感到满足 be in good company v expr (have the same problem as many others)SCSimplified Chinese 也犯同样错误   SCSimplified Chinese 犯了相同的错误 bid [sb/sth] good riddance, bid good riddance to [sb/sth] v expr (get rid of [sb], [sth] undesirable)SCSimplified Chinese 摆脱...是对的   SCSimplified Chinese 让...走太好了 by a great deal, by a good deal adv (by a large amount or extent)SCSimplified Chinese 大量地 dà liàng de  The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal. common good n (benefit of everyone)SCSimplified Chinese 公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì  Being honest with each other is for the common good. do a good deed v expr (perform a charitable act)SCSimplified Chinese 做好事 zuò hǎo shì   SCSimplified Chinese 行善事 zuò hǎo shì,xíng shàn shì  When someone joins the Boy Scouts, one of the requirements is to do a good deed every day. do [sb] a good turn, do a good turn for [sb] v expr (perform a kind act)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助某人   SCSimplified Chinese 做对某人有利的事 do good v expr (perform charitable acts)SCSimplified Chinese 行善 xíng shàn  If I were a millionaire, I would use my wealth to do good. do good v expr slang (do well, do [sth] successfully) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 做得成功,干得好 zuò de chéng gōng,gàn de hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 幹得好  You can do good if you just try. enjoy good health v expr (be physically healthy)SCSimplified Chinese 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng TCTraditional Chinese 身體健康   SCSimplified Chinese 体魄强健 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng,tǐ pò qiáng jiàn fairly good adj (reasonable, acceptable)SCSimplified Chinese 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 相當好的  I didn't get top marks in the exam, but my results were fairly good. feel good vi + adj (be happy, optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 感到高兴 gǎn dào gāo xìng TCTraditional Chinese 感到高興   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得舒坦 gǎn dào gāo xìng,jué de shū tǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 感到愉悦  I feel good now that my exams are over. Springtime always makes me feel good. feel good vi + adj (not feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 感覺良好   SCSimplified Chinese 不觉得内疚 gǎn jué liáng hǎo,bú jué de nèi jiù feel-good adj informal (that causes happiness)SCSimplified Chinese 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 感覺良好 feel good about [sth] v expr (be optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 对...乐观   SCSimplified Chinese 看好 feel good about [sth] v expr (find [sth] morally acceptable)SCSimplified Chinese 对...感觉良好   SCSimplified Chinese 乐见 for a good cause expr (for charity, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 为了慈善事业   SCSimplified Chinese 做善事 for good adv (permanently)SCSimplified Chinese 永远 yǒng yuǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 永久地 yǒng yuǎn,yǒng jiǔ de  His severe injury ended his sports career for good.  严重的伤病永久地结束了他的体育生涯。 for good measure expr (a little more than required)SCSimplified Chinese 另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài TCTraditional Chinese 另外,此外  Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure. give [sb] a good telling-off, give [sb] a good telling off v expr informal (reprimand)SCSimplified Chinese 将某人狠骂一通 jiāng mǒu rén hěn mà yì tōng  When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off. good afternoon interj (greeting)SCSimplified Chinese 下午好 xià wǔ hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 午安  Phil wished me good afternoon as he passed me in the corridor.  当菲尔在走道碰到我时,他问我下午好。 good appetite, healthy appetite n (healthy desire to eat)SCSimplified Chinese 好胃口 good behavior (US), good behaviour (UK) n (child: not misbehaving) (孩子)SCSimplified Chinese 规矩的行为,言行规矩 guī jǔ de xíng wéi,yán xíng guī jǔ  Billy got a sticker for his good behavior today at school. good behavior (US), good behaviour (UK) n (prisoner: good conduct) (犯人服刑期间)SCSimplified Chinese 表现好 TCTraditional Chinese 表現好  I expect that he will have his prison term reduced for good behaviour. the Good Book, the Book n (Christian Bible)SCSimplified Chinese 圣经 shèng jīng TCTraditional Chinese 聖經  The Good Book says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." good boy n (well-behaved male child)SCSimplified Chinese 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi  He was a very good boy. good boy interj (used to praise a male child)SCSimplified Chinese 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi  Good boy! You received an "A" in mathematics. good boy interj (used to praise male dog)SCSimplified Chinese 好狗狗 good buy n (bargain)SCSimplified Chinese 好买卖 hǎo mǎi mài TCTraditional Chinese 物美價廉   SCSimplified Chinese 有利的交易 hǎo mǎi mài,yǒu lì de jiāo yì  I got a good buy on these drinks, only $1 per bottle. good call n informal (smart decision, wise judgment)SCSimplified Chinese 明智的决策   SCSimplified Chinese 聪明的决定 Good call! interj informal (That is a wise decision)SCSimplified Chinese 真是英明的决策 Good catch! interj informal (praising [sb] for noticing a mistake)SCSimplified Chinese 找出这个错误很好! Good catch! interj (praising player for catching ball)SCSimplified Chinese 接得好! good chance n (high probability)SCSimplified Chinese 高几率 good cheer n (joyfulness)SCSimplified Chinese 寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè TCTraditional Chinese 尋歡作樂   SCSimplified Chinese 美酒佳肴 xún huān zuò lè ,měi jiǔ jiā yáo   SCSimplified Chinese 美酒佳肴 xún huān zuò lè ,měi jiǔ jiā yáo  The party guests were in good cheer. good child n (child who is well behaved)SCSimplified Chinese 好孩子 hǎo hái zǐ  My mother says I was a good child when I was younger. good Christian n ([sb] who obeys Christian teachings)SCSimplified Chinese 虔诚的基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú   SCSimplified Chinese 好基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú,hǎo jī dū jiào tú  A good Christian uses Jesus as an example for his life. good citizen n (helpful member of society)SCSimplified Chinese 好公民 good clothes npl (finest or most formal outfit)SCSimplified Chinese 好衣服 hǎo yī fú  I would not wear my good clothes while doing the housework. good company n invariable (pleasant, welcome companion)SCSimplified Chinese 好伙伴   SCSimplified Chinese 志趣相投的伙伴 good cop/bad cop n informal (police questioning technique) (警察审讯技巧)SCSimplified Chinese 唱红白脸   SCSimplified Chinese 一个扮白脸,一个扮黑脸 good day n (day spent well)SCSimplified Chinese 愉快的一天  William had a good day at the races, winning a considerable amount of money.  威廉姆在比赛中度过了愉快的一天,还赢了一大笔钱。 Good day! interj formal (salutation)SCSimplified Chinese 日安 rì ān  Samuel wished us "Good day!" as he passed by.  当塞缪经过我们时,祝我们“日安!” Good day to you! interj formal (salutation)SCSimplified Chinese 日安 rì ān  "Good day to you!" shouted Jenkins from across the street.  “日安!”詹金斯从街道对面喊道。 good deed n (charitable act)SCSimplified Chinese 好事 hǎo shì TCTraditional Chinese 好事   SCSimplified Chinese 善事 hǎo shì,shàn shì   SCSimplified Chinese 高尚的行为 hǎo shì,gāo shàng de xíng wéi  Have you done any good deeds lately, like donating blood? good disposition n (pleasant manner, character)SCSimplified Chinese 好性格 hǎo xìng gé   SCSimplified Chinese 好性情 hǎo xìng gé,hǎo xìng qíng  Labradors have a good disposition which makes them a good dog around children. good dog interj (used to praise a canine) (赞美狗的用语)SCSimplified Chinese 真乖   SCSimplified Chinese 真听话 good eater n ([sb] who eats plenty)SCSimplified Chinese 胃口好的人   SCSimplified Chinese 不挑食的人 good egg n figurative (decent or kind person)SCSimplified Chinese 好人 hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人   SCSimplified Chinese 善人 good English n (skillfulness with English)SCSimplified Chinese 好的英语能力 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì   SCSimplified Chinese 英文流畅 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì,yīng wén liú chàng  Good English is a necessity for any foreign student wishing to study at an English university. good enough adj (satisfactory)SCSimplified Chinese 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 相當好的  It isn't the best computer available, but it's good enough for my needs. good evening interj (greeting)SCSimplified Chinese 晚安 wǎn ān   SCSimplified Chinese 晚上好 wǎn ān,wǎn shàng hǎo  "Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order?" asked the waiter.  “先生,晚上好。请问您准备好点餐了?”服务员问道。 good example n (model for others)SCSimplified Chinese 好例子 hǎo lì zi   SCSimplified Chinese 榜样 hǎo lì zi ,bǎng yàng  As a teacher, it is important to set a good example for your students. good exercise n (activity encouraging fitness)SCSimplified Chinese 很好的运动,很好的锻炼方式 good faith, good-faith n as adj (law: as an indication of sincerity)SCSimplified Chinese 善意 shàn yì a good feeling (about [sth]) n (premonition of [sth] good)SCSimplified Chinese 好的预感 hǎo de yù gǎn TCTraditional Chinese 好的預感  I have a good feeling about this interview. a good feeling (about [sb]) n (positive evaluation of [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 对某人感觉良好  I've got a good feeling about you. I think you'll go far in this company. good fellow n informal (likeable man) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 好人缘的人,好人 hǎo rén yuán de rén,hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人  My daughter´s new boyfriend seems a good fellow. good food n (healthy or top-quality food)SCSimplified Chinese 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn   SCSimplified Chinese 优质食品  Athletes eat only good food. good for a laugh adj UK (fun, amusing)SCSimplified Chinese 有趣的 yǒu qù de   SCSimplified Chinese 好笑的 yǒu qù de ,hǎo xiào de  Laurel and Hardy films are good for a laugh.  劳雷尔和哈迪的电影很好笑。 good for a laugh adj UK (person: fun, funny) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 有趣的, 幽默的  I might see if Karen's free to come out; she's always good for a laugh.  我去看看凯伦是否有空出来。她总是很幽默。 good for you interj (well done!)SCSimplified Chinese 做得不错 TCTraditional Chinese 做得不錯   SCSimplified Chinese 干得漂亮 gàn de piào liang TCTraditional Chinese 乾得漂亮  You have lost 10 pounds already? Good for you! good for you adj (healthful)SCSimplified Chinese 有益你的健康的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de   SCSimplified Chinese 对你的(身体)有好处的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de,duì nǐ de shēn tǐ yǒu hǎo chù de  Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for you. good form n (fitness)SCSimplified Chinese 健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò   SCSimplified Chinese 良好的健康状况 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò,liáng hǎo de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng  The horse is in good form for the race. good form n (appropriate behaviour)SCSimplified Chinese 举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 舉止有禮   SCSimplified Chinese 有礼貌的行为 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ,yǒu lǐ mào de xíng wéi  It is good form to offer your seat to a lady. good fortune n (good luck, happy chance)SCSimplified Chinese 好运气 hǎo yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 運氣好   SCSimplified Chinese 好机遇 hǎo yùn qì,hǎo jī yù  He had good fortune to win the lottery. Good Friday n (Friday before Easter Sunday) (复活节前的周五)SCSimplified Chinese 耶稣受难日 yē sū shòu nàn rì  In the UK, it's traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday. We will not have class on Good Friday. good friend n ([sb] close, trusted)SCSimplified Chinese 好友 hǎo yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 好朋友 hǎo yǒu,hǎo péng yǒu  My good friend will always tell me the truth, and always in a kind way. good fun n ([sth] enjoyable)SCSimplified Chinese 有趣的事 yǒu qù de shì   SCSimplified Chinese 好玩的事 yǒu qù de shì,hǎo wán de shì   SCSimplified Chinese 有趣的玩笑 yǒu qù de shì,yǒu qù de wán xiào  It was always good fun going sailing with my cousin's family. Good gracious!, Goodness gracious! interj (used when you're surprised) (表示惊讶)SCSimplified Chinese 我的天呐   SCSimplified Chinese 老天爷! good grades npl (high marks: in exams, tests)SCSimplified Chinese 高分 gāo fēn   SCSimplified Chinese 好分数 gāo fēn,hǎo fēn shù  She needs good grades to get to University. good grief interj informal (disbelief) (表示难以置信)SCSimplified Chinese 天啊 tiān ā  "Good grief! Ben's finally managed to pass his driving test!" good grief, Good grief! interj informal (exasperation) (表示愤怒)SCSimplified Chinese 天啊 tiān ā  "Good grief! We must have been here for at least half an hour and still haven't been served." good guy n informal (decent man)SCSimplified Chinese 好人 hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人   SCSimplified Chinese 正派人 hǎo rén,zhèng pài rén  I'm glad she's going out with Rob: he's a good guy. good guy n informal (fiction: hero)SCSimplified Chinese 正面人物  Almost every major movie involves the good guys versus the bad guys. good health n (healthiness, fitness)SCSimplified Chinese 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng TCTraditional Chinese 身體健康   SCSimplified Chinese 身体棒 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng,shēn tǐ bàng  I am lucky to enjoy good health. good hearing n (ability to hear clearly)SCSimplified Chinese 好听力 hǎo tīng lì TCTraditional Chinese 聽力好  My grandmother does not have good hearing so you need to speak clearly to her. good heart n (kind or generous nature)SCSimplified Chinese 善良 shàn liáng TCTraditional Chinese 善良 Good heavens!, Heavens! interj slightly dated (surprise) (表示惊奇)SCSimplified Chinese 天哪!不会吧! tiān na bú huì ba  Good heavens! You can't possibly go to the party wearing that. good humor (US), good humour (UK) n (cheerful mood)SCSimplified Chinese 好心情 hǎo xīn qíng   SCSimplified Chinese 愉快的情绪 hǎo xīn qíng,yú kuài de qíng xù  When the sun is shining, it puts me in good humour. good idea n (wise suggestion) (建议)SCSimplified Chinese 好主意,好点子,好想法 hǎo zhǔ yì,hǎo diǎn zi,hǎo xiǎng fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 好點子  It is a good idea to brush your long hair before going to sleep. It wasn't a good idea to eat that third piece of cake. good idea n (clever invention)SCSimplified Chinese 好的创意 hǎo de chuàng yì TCTraditional Chinese 好的創意  Sliced bread was a good idea. Good idea! interj (yes, agreed, let's do that) (感叹语)SCSimplified Chinese 好主意!   SCSimplified Chinese 聪明!   SCSimplified Chinese 就这么办吧!  "Let's go to the movies." "Good idea! Sounds like fun." .  “我们去看电影吧。”“好主意!听起来很有趣。” good influence n (prompts good behavior)SCSimplified Chinese 好榜样 hǎo bǎng yàng TCTraditional Chinese 好榜樣   SCSimplified Chinese 好影响 hǎo bǎng yàng,hǎo yǐng xiǎng  His elder brother is a good influence on him. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: good [gud] I adj 1 (=pleasant) 令人愉快的 lìng rén yúkuài de They had a really good time. 他们玩得很开心。 Tāmen wán de hěn kāixīn.2 (=high quality) [+ food, school, job] 好的 hǎo de She speaks very good English.她英语(語)说(說)得很好。 Tā yīngyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo. 3 (=well-behaved) [+ boy, girl, dog] 乖的 guāi de Were the kids good?孩子们(們)乖吗(嗎)? Háizimen guāi ma? 4 (=sensible) [+ idea, reason, advice] 好的 hǎo de It was a good idea to bring a torch.带(帶)手电(電)筒是个(個)好主意。 Dài shǒudiàntǒng shì gè hǎo zhǔyi. 5 (=skilful) 好的 hǎode He's a good footballer.他是个(個)很好的足球运(運)动(動)员(員)。 Tā shì gè hěn hǎo de zúqiú yùndòngyuán. 6 (=positive) [+ news, luck, example] 好的 hǎo de a piece of good news一条(條)好消息 yī tiáo hǎo xiāoxi 7 (=cheerful) [+ mood, temper] 愉快的 yúkuài de She had a good time in Italy.她在意大利度过(過)了一段愉快的时(時)光。 Tā zài Yìdàlì dùguòle yī duàn yúkuài de shíguāng. She's in a good mood! 她心情很好! Ta xīnqíng hén hǎo!8 (=morally correct) 公正的 gōngzhèng de The president is a good man.总(總)统(統)是个(個)公正的人。 Zǒngtǒng shì gè gōngzhèng de rén. II n [u] (=right) 善 shàn the battle between good and evil善恶(惡)之争(爭) shàn'è zhī zhēng good! 好! hǎo! to be good at (doing) sth 精于(於)(做)某事 jīng yú (zuò) mǒushì to be no good at (doing) sth不擅长(長)(做)某事 bù shàncháng (zuò) mǒushì to be good for doing sth (=useful) 对(對)做某事有帮(幫)助 duì zuò mǒushì yǒu bāngzhù it's no good doing…做…没(沒)有用 zuò…méiyǒu yòng it didn't do any good没(沒)什么(麼)用处(處) méi shénme yòngchù to be up to no good不怀(懷)好意 bù huái hǎoyì it's good for you (=healthy, beneficial) 对(對)你有益 duì nǐ yǒuyì to be good to sb (=kind) 对(對)某人很好 duì mǒurén hěn hǎo He's always been very good to me.他总(總)是对(對)我很好。 Tā zǒngshì duì wǒ hěn hǎo. to be good with people/with figures擅长(長)与(與)人/数(數)字打交道 shàncháng yǔ rén/shùzì dǎ jiāodào to be good with one's hands手很灵(靈)巧 shǒu hěn língqiǎo is it any good? (=will it do?) 这(這)行吗(嗎)? Zhè xíng ma? There's no honey is sugar any good?没(沒)有蜂蜜糖行吗(嗎)? Méiyǒu fēngmì táng xíng ma? (=what's it like?) 怎么(麼)样(樣)? Zěnmeyàng? Is her new novel any good?她的新小说(說)怎么(麼)样(樣)? Tā de xīn xiǎoshuō zěnmeyàng? it's good to see you 很高兴(興)见(見)到你 hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ it's a good thing you were there, it's a good job you were there (Brit) 幸亏(虧)你在那儿(兒) xìngkuī nǐ zài nàr that's very good of you你实(實)在太好了 nǐ shízài tài hǎo le would you be good enough to…?可不可以请(請)您…? Kě bù kěyǐ qǐng nín…? good morning/afternoon!早上/下午好! zǎoshang/xiàwǔ hǎo! good evening!晚上好! wǎnshang hǎo! good night! (before going home) 再见(見)! zàijiàn! (before going to bed) 晚安! wǎn'ān! to feel good (=happy) 感到高兴(興) gǎndào gāoxìng to make good [+ damage, loss]弥(彌)补(補) míbǔ Three years was a short time in which to make good the deficiencies.弥(彌)补(補)这(這)些不足,3年的时(時)间(間)是很短的。 Míbǔ zhèxiē bùzú,sān nián de shíjiān shì hěn duǎn de. (=succeed) 成功 chénggōng to take a good look 好好看一看 hǎohǎo kàn yī kàn a good while ago很久以前 hěn jiǔ yǐqián as good as (=almost) 几(幾)乎相当(當)于(於) jīhū xiāngdāngyú for good (=forever) 永久地 yǒngjiǔ de for the good of sb为(為)了某人的利益 wèile mǒurén de lìyì it's for your own good是为(為)了你自己好 shì wèi le nǐ zìjǐ hǎo to do sb good对(對)某人有益 duì mǒurén yǒuyì not until I'm good and ready直到我彻(徹)底准(準)备(備)好时(時)才 zhídào wǒ chèdǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo shí cáigoods请勿将 be good forbe good to 混淆。若某事 be good for 某个个人或组织,即它有益于该人或组织。The policy is good for company morale. 如果某人 be good to 你,表示他对你很友好,很体贴。Phil cannot replace my dad but he has been very good to me. 在这些条目还发现'good': 在英文解释里: adequate - agree - alive and kicking - all the best - amazing - amicable - analytical - approve - arrivederci - artsy-craftsy - attaboy - attagirl - attractive - attractiveness - augur well - auspice - bankrupt - bargain - be a bargain - be no match for - be worth waiting for - become - below average - benefaction - beneficent - benefit - bittersweet - blast - blessing in disguise - bon voyage - bona fide - born leader - brainwave - braw - break a leg - brick - bridge-building - bridgehead - bring luck - bully - bully for - buon giorno - buona sera - by luck - cast your bread upon the waters - chaff - cheer - cheerfulness - cheerily - citizenship 中文: 良 - 上好 - 不善 - 不好 - 不如 - 不错 - 中看 - 优劣 - 优良 - 佳 - 公益 - 再见 - 善 - 善于 - 嘉 - 在行 - 好 - 好事 - 好事多磨 - 好坏 - 好好的 - 好心 - 好意 - 好感 - 好的 - 好看 - 姿色 - 孬种 - 平平 - 幸运 - 拿手 - 擅 - 整齐 - 施展 - 无益 - 早上好 - 早安 - 晚上好 - 晚安 - 有一套 - 棒 - 没事 - 没用 - 睦邻 - 福 - 福气 - 称职 - 精通 - 芳 - 褒 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, adjective, PET Vocabulary List - G, 更多……同义词: excellent, great, awesome, terrific, fantastic, 更多……习惯性搭配: [foreign, finished, domestic] goods, is a good [person, man, wife, dog], [canned, baked, frozen, perishable, damaged] goods, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'good' 的论坛讨论:

a man as good as his enemies were venal after four years of studying my Chinese is not as good as it should be Are all Chinese people good looking? As good as his/her word But good-naturedness is concomitant with severity and friendliness is a tradition Cantonese: dishes smell good! do well in an exam, get good grades Do you know of any good TV shows? Do you speak Chinese fluently? How good are you in Chinese? for good Going to Paris is a good way of practising my French Good afternoon! Good attendance record Good bye - cha huei Good day good enough to ... Good game Good girl! Good idea! good job Good job! Good linguistics books on Chinese Language good links for classifiers Good luck and best wishes on your business success Good Luck in the Year of the Snake! Good luck with the old dragon! Good luck with your job search! Good luck with your studies in China Good morning good morning, afternoon, evening, night, day 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'good'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "good" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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